Sunday, December 14, 2008

9th Month

Hello Friends,
A short post in pictures of my last month of pregnancy.
Just two or three weeks to go. Everything is going well. Doctors say she is a bit small for her time but nothing unexpected as her mommy and memie were both very small babies too. And she doesn't feel too small at all to me! She still is very active and Daddy and I are very excited and ready for her!

Coucou les amis,
Juste quelques photos du neuvieme mois. On approche de la fin. Mon bout de chou est un peu petite pour son age mais on ne s'inquiete pas pcq sa mama et sa memie etaient aussi nees toutes petites. M'enfin, elle ne me semble pas toute petite du tout pour moi, elle est grosse et lourde et remue tout le temps et son daddy et moi, on l'attende de pied ferme!

Today, okay I might not look huge to you all, but I started very tiny and so it looks big to those who remember my small waist...

Bon, j'ai peut etre pas l'air grosse a vos yeux, mais j'ai commence ma grossesse avec une taille de guepe, donc je suis immense aux yeux de ceux qui me connaissent et a mes yeux!

The bedroom is ready. The little buddies are just here for show, nothing but the baby in the cot when she's there. And her little dresser and her story books all lined up nicely in the back.
Son petit lit, cadeau de sa Mamie Ese avec ses petits copains, qui habitent normalement dans un panier et sa collection de livres et de petites histoires, que son daddy et moi lui lisons deja quotidiennement.

I did her first laundry load and loved every bit of it. It was so cute. I wonder for how long I will enjoy doing this.
La premiere lessive! C'etait chou, un vrai bonheur de laver, etendre et plier tout ce petit linge. Mais je me demande pendant combien de temps encore cette tache va m'entousiasmer... :P

The maternity bag is ready to go. A beautiful gift from my grand aunt. Here it is not quite full yet, now it is overloaded, but nothing is missing except my CD of Sigur Ros which I would have like to bring along but seem to have misplaced.
Le sac de maternite, deja rempli a ras bord (pas sur la photo), un beau cadeau de ma grand tante du cote maternelle. Tout est pret a partir pour la maternite.

The cot, dolly, doudou ('doodoo') and dreampod (sleeping bag) are all waiting more patiently than Mommy and Daddy for their little friend.

Le lit, avec le doudou, la poupee et la gigotteuse attendent leur petite copine avec beaucoup plus de patience que daddy et mama.

The Buddies. Les Copains.


Anonymous said...

I am very happy to hear and see of your wonderful news. It's a wonderful holiday gift, indeed.

LisennBreizh said...

J'ai les mêmes ! Bon sauf que nous, notre petite crevette se transforme en langoustine car elle faisait déjà 3.2kg à l'écho du 3 décembre...
Quel bonheur ces premiéres lessives, et l'odeur qui envahit toute la maison...
Et le sac à préparer, quel Doudou lui emporter... rhalala... on a hate de voir sa bouille !!! son papa lui parle tous les soirs et lui dit de se dépécher...mais elle semble bien au chaud !

Jeannie said...

What's most amazing is trying to imagine, after they are born, how they ever fit inside you! You are certainly big with child but as far as being pregnant goes, you are definitely quite small. And you do seem to be well prepared. Even so, it will be such an adjustment for you - a joyful one - but your whole life changes.

by Danie said...

C'est beau la vie, how beautiful life is, I love every single word and photos of your post. Doing my suitcase now, very exciting Christmas.

tshsmom said...

That last couple of weeks is always the hardest! All the preparations are made and we can't wait to meet our child.

tweetey30 said...

Wow. Hopefully my package arrives before she does.. LOL... I am mailing it out tomorrow for her. She has two sweaters and two bonnets to wear. One now when she is very tiny and another when she is a bit bigger.. LOL and her blankey...

S.M. Elliott said...

So close! This must be such an exciting time. Merriest Christmas to the three of you!

tshsmom said...

Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family!

The Zombieslayer said...

I agree with Jeannie, especially since Junior now is barely a teenager and is already six feet tall. You gotta wonder, how did that happen?

Wishing you best and hope she's healthy and grows up to be a smart, strong woman. :)

Greg said...

Yikes... this is what happens when you stop blogging for several months... you lose track of people! A VERY late congrats on the pregnancy... hope things go/went well! Take care...