Sunday, June 14, 2009

Signing off ... x

As you can guess, being a mommy is a full time job and keeping up on the blogsphere is nearly impossible, my ISP does not let me upload videos, keeps restarting every 5 minutes.
For the blogsphere friends, Gabrielle (Byelle for short) is growing quickly, not just in size but personnality and character. She's had a tooth that disappeared three weeks later, she had her first cold last week, we've been on a train and a boat and underground and london cabs a few times when getting her passport from the French Embassy (you read the funny experience from my mom's blog), we've been to Hampton Court 5 times and the British Museum and the Tate Modern (Gallery of modern art) and most of all, we've been socialising with her little girlfriends and moms. Just last night she started talking non-stop, she is a very soft spoken baby that's until she can't sleep at night and then it's a different pitch. She can also seat up, she sleeps on her tummy and rolls over from front to back when she wakes up, she rarely cries, she smiles a lot, she wants to stand up all the time so we bought her a jumparoo, in which she can stand and jump to her heart's content. She's beautiful, she's adorable and there are no words to say how much I love her.

I'm sorry I'm not visiting your blogs any longer or keeping you posted. I hope you're all doing well. I leave more news on facebook if you're there, do befriend me and you'll get to see lots more photos and videos.

I started this blog exactly 3 years ago, I had just moved to the UK to live the life I always dreamt of, a adventure, make fabulous friends, see my favorite rock stars play live, see West End plays, have a career, make money, travel to all the beautiful cities around Europe I wanted to discover. I've done all that, and although there is still much more to do, right now, my life is as great as it will ever be... as a mom, she's my everything, my world and everyday is a fun filled, love-filled adventure, it's perfect and it keeps getting better.

.... love x

Friday, March 13, 2009

Cuteness incarnate

A short list of all the reasons I love it and Gabrielle is sooooo cute when...

  • She stretches for 20 minutes in the morning waking up both her daddy and me with all the grunts and groans associated
  • She looks at me with a corner smile when she sees me lift my top to breastfeed her, she knows what's coming
  • She caresses my side with her little hand while feeding
  • She grabs my tee shirt with the other hand while feeding
  • She daydreams
  • She loses the breast she talks to it and when she latches on again, she continues talking her mouth full
  • She does the crab/tiger on her changing table
  • She cries in her sleep
  • She laughs in her sleep!
  • She clicks her tongue when she's happy
  • She pouts when she is sleepy
  • She frowns when we play and I do something a bit unusual
  • She lifts her head up high when lying on her tummy and that she's done sleeping
  • She kicks her legs when she is frustrated, i.e. I tried to make her sleep when she's hungry or vice versa
  • She licks anyone's tee-shirt (mine included) when she's hungry
  • Like a gopher, she looks for the breast in her sleep
  • She looks so miserable like an exagerated sad smiley before she starts to cry, it's hilarious, I hope one day I can capture it on photo
  • She coos at her little bunny/spider/butterfly pram toys
  • She falls asleep at the breast and continues pretending to suck

And best of all...

  • She talks, coos, smiles and laughs with her Daddy and me

En francais maintenant... Toutes les petites choses qu'elle fait qui sont trop choux et que j'adore...

  • Elle s'etire pdt 20 minutes tous les matins en faisant le plus grand baroumf possible jusqu a ce que Mama et Daddy se reveillent
  • Elle me regarde avec un sourire aux coins de levres qd elle voit que je m'aprete a lui donner le sein
  • Elle me caresse (et chatouille) les cotes avec sa petite main pdt qu'elle tete
  • Elle s'accroche a mon tee-shirt avec l'autre main pdt qu'elle tete
  • Quand elle a la tete dans les nuages
  • Elle parle qd elle perd le sein et continue a parler la bouche pleine qd elle le retrouve
  • Elle fait le crabe/tigre sur sa table a langer
  • Elle pleure dans son sommeil
  • Elle rigole dans son sommeil!
  • Elle claque sa langue quand elle est contente
  • Elle boude quand elle est fatiguee
  • Elle fronce si je fais quelque chose d'inhabituel, meme si c'est habituel
  • Elle dresse la tete haute allongee sur son ventre quand elle est reveillee et a decide de ne plus dormir
  • Elle me donne des coups de pieds qd elle est agacee, souvent pcq je lui donne le sein qd elle veut dormir ou la berce qd elle veut manger
  • Comme une taupe, elle cherche le sein ds son sommeil
  • Elle leche mon tee-shirt ou le tee shirt de celui qui la porte quand elle a faim
  • Elle fait sa pauvre malheureuse comme un emoticon triste exagere :( C'est a mourir de rire j'espere le capturer en photo avant qu'elle arrete de le faire
  • Elle parle et fait des mamours a son petit toucan/lapin/araignee ou papillon qui pendent a sa poussette ou tapis de jeu
  • Elle s'endort au sein et continue a faire semblant de teter

Et le meilleur...

  • Quand elle fait des areus, mamours, sourires et rigole avec Daddy et Mama

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cuteness incarnate

A lot of work... but darn fun... and definitely worth it all (the wait, the pains, the extra kilos, the sleepless nights). I d love to write more about how much fun and lovely she is but we are in the middle of a conversation of aheus, coos, laughs and smiles.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Smiles, Snow and Only You

The sweetest and cutest little girl in the World. She is so alert since day one and so very easy. It was a bit of work in the first week but it's been better and easier by the day ever since. She eats well, she sleeps well, she smiles, she communicates very clearly her every need without crying.

La plus jolie et la plus mignonne, je ne me lasse pas de lui dire et de la caliner. La premiere semaine a ete difficile a cause du manque de sommeil et les tetees continuelles, mais des la deuxieme semaine, les choses se sont arrangees tres rapidement, elle mange bien, dort bien, exprime tres clairement tous ses besoins et donc pleure tres rarement.

She likes everyone and although she smiled since day one for the last few days she geniunely smiles at people, songs or kisses. She's just lovely.
Elle aime tout le monde, elle est tres facile et bien qu'elle nous fasse des sourires depuis sa naissance, elle les fait intentionellement depuis quelques jours ce qui est fantastique.
We had a snow day on Monday, the whole of London was at a halt so Daddy was home and we all went out to play in the snow and for a long walk along the river.
On a eu de la neige lundi, tout etait arrete et donc Daddy etait a la maison, on en a profite pour jouer dans la neige et faire une longue promenade le long de la Tamise bordee de blanc.
She can be grouchy in the evening, too tired to eat, too tired to sleep and I was bored singing her the lullaby from the movie Mary Poppins and started singing Only You, which always works wonders, I thought it was an Elvis song (although it is The Platters) and so I uploaded my Elvis album on itunes and play it to her, she loves it.
Elle peut etre ronchon le soir avant le coucher, trop fatiguee pour manger ou dormir. Dans ces moments la, je lui chante Only You, dans le meme style je lui joue Elvis et elle aime beaucoup aussi.
Sleeping on her tummy amongst all her little girlfriends. She is the youngest and the tiniest. Those lovely little girls are the daughters from my antenatal group. We were six couples all 8 to 9 months pregnant when we met and stayed friends, now all our bumps are little babies, 5 girls and 1 boy, unfortunately little Jack could not be there. Love them all to bits and we all hope to stay friends forever so our daughters can say they've been friends since bump days.
Endormie sur le ventre au milieu de ses petites copines, toutes nees entre le 8 decembre et le 9 janvier, les mamans sont devenues copines apres le cours antenatal qu'on a pris fin Novembre pour nous preparer a l'accouchement et a l'arrivee de nos bebes. On espere toute rester copine a vie pour que nos 5 filles puissent dire qu'elles etaient copines depuis le ventre.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Gabrielle is here

She's gorgeous
She's lovely
She's sweet, fun and exciting
She's perfect in every way
She was born on Friday morning 09.01.09 at 12.21 am

Monday, January 05, 2009

A very kind present

Thank you Tweetey for the lovely presents for my baby.
You're so very kind and sweet to have taken the time and love to knit the lovely cardigans, bonnets and the blanket for the baby who is now due anytime.

Hopefully not long to wait now.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Au revoir Papi

A new light shines, another one extincts. Such is the circle of life. Within long days expecting the arrival of my little one, I had to say goodbye to my grandfather Papi Jacques.

At 93 and three quarters, he lived his life well, a happy, placid, loving man. Always known him to be in good health and intellectually active, I never beat him at scrabble and God knows we played. Okay I might have won once but only by a couple of points.

I am not sad, I was lucky enough to make the most of the last few years I've been back in Europe, visited him a lot, played lots of scrabble games, had nice long chats about faith and his WWII experience and his love story with my grandma, which was his favourite topic of conversation. I also keep many memories of him from the last 30-odd years. I knew to make the most of it after I suddenly lost my other grandpa, Papi Nono, who left so unexpectedly and I do miss him - mostly because I never took the time for quality time with him, a mistake I knew not to repeat with Papi Jacques. So now he's gone, he's in a better place, he remembered right till the end that I was going to give him his eighth great-grandchild which made him happy as he was very keen on a big descendance. So now it's only up to her...

Christmas 2006. In 2007 he started looking tired and well, there was no Christmas 2008 for him.

Noel 2006, il commence a fatiguer a Noel 2007 et y'a malheureusement pas eu de Noel 2008 pour lui.
Une vie commence, une autre s'etteint... Enfin pas necessairement dans cet ordre la. En effet, mon papi Jacques est parti dans les jours ou l'on attend avec impatience l'arrivee de la petite cherie.

A l'age de 93 ans 3/4 il a vecu une belle vie, pleine d'amour et de succes. Un homme placide, intellectuel, avec une foix inebranlable.

Je ne suis pas triste, parce que j'ai eu la chance de bien profiter de tous mes moments avec lui. Apres avoir soudainement perdu mon autre grand-pere, Papi Nono, qui me manque terriblement, je me suis juree de profiter au maximum de papi Jacques et de passer autant de bons moments avec lui que j'en aurai l'opportunite. Et donc, on aura passe de longues heures a jouer au scrabble ou il me battait plus souvent que moi et a ecouter ses histoires de guerre et d'amour, a quel point il a aime ma grand mere toute sa vie... Enfin, maintenant il est parti je suis un peu decu qu'il n'ai pas vu la derniere addition a sa lignee, mais il s'est souvenu jusqu'a la fin qu'il attendait un huitieme arriere petit enfant, ce dont il etait tres fier, maintenant, il ne lui reste plus qu'a arriver a la petite 8eme!