I love Norman Rockwell, I love his illustrations, they bring out the kid in me - not that it takes a lot to do that. My aunt is American at heart, she loved New York, she loved the US, she loved American culture and American films. Back in her posh apartment a stone throw from the Eiffel tower in Paris, she lived the high life of a career focussed advertiser, a lot like Don Draper. Her apartment wasn't exactly child friendly but having no kids of her own and lots of money, she always bought great gifts for my brother and I. Going to her place was cool, she had Monty Pythons films, MASH and best of all Tex Avery - can't go wrong with Tex Avery. The next best thing was her book of Norman Rockwell in the midst of her collection of hundreds of LP records.
I spent hours seating on her sofa flipping the pages, studying every detail of each of his illustrations. They were sweet, innocent, more than pleasing to the eye, they conveyed feelings and reminded me of something I lived or would live. So I was well chuffed when I received the newsletter from Sommerset House promoting Norman Rockwell exhibition at Dulwich Picture Gallery and we made it just in time before our holiday and before the show ended.

I like this one, it's the day in the life of a little girl from breakfast, swimming, play, party, date, first kiss and sweet dreams. Rockwell drew the same with a little boy.

Le telephone arabe - not sure what it's called in English - when rumor goes around and the story gets twisted and when it goes back to the first person, it's a different story.

Ain't that just lovely!

Baignade Interdite in French - No Swimming in English - possibly one of Rockwell's most famous illustration.

The Picture Gallery had walls and walls covered with framed Saturday Evening Post covers. Just awesome. Shame I could not get my aunt over to the UK in time to see this, she would have loved it.
That is cool my friend. I think i have seen some of these myself somewhere along the lines. They are cute if that isnt an understatement of his work.
I LOVE Rockwell too! I've never seen an exhibition of his work. The closest I ever got was a huge coffee table book of his work.
Oh, comme c'est gentil pour cette tante extraordinaire, tu lui as envoye le lien? quels bons souvenirs tu as d'elle et de son appartement a Paris, c'est merveilleux, je suis fiere pour elle.
Et c'est bien dommage que cette exposition soit deja terminee, on va la manquer, heureusement que tu nous fait partager tes images et impressions avec ton blog. Merci.
I've always liked Norman Rockwell's work... it just always seemed to "fit"...
I hope all is well with you...
His illustrations are remarkable.
They are irresistibly adorable. That swimming-hole picture always makes me laugh.
j'aime et j'espère que tu vas bien!
Oui, ces illusrations soulignent ce qui manquent à notre société d'aujourd'hui: la simplicité ....
elles représentent ce que l'on n'ose pas dire ... la vérité simple du quotidien, je pense...
J'adore !
He was a wonderful illustrator! I love his work too!
How have you been?
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