Monday, September 04, 2006

I've got it back!

Remember when I was feeling down a few weeks ago? Well, it didn't really go away, then I caught a cold, but today the cold is gone and it washed away my blues, I feel like myself again, I feel happy again. I have no idea how that could have been gone and be back again so suddenly but what matters is that I am back singing along the radio driving to/from work and smiling at those gloomy faces in cars on the highway, or the friendly 60-something biker with a cowboy moustache on his Harley Davidson. That was a good day. It's great feeling light-hearted again and simply... happy.

Ron noticed and asked me to be more in control of my emotions, he said "when you are a manager you have to be gender neutre, you cannot let your woman's emotion take over you". For one thing, just because I did not smile as much, did not in any way affect my work, but hey! wait a minute here, did he say 'manager'!!!??? lol. Actually he did, he's a brilliant boss, he said I was a very clever woman with a fantastic potential and that he had great expectations of me, I've got so much to learn from him, I was happy just working for him and now he gives me ambition. I know my short-comings, but I don't really know how to overcome them, that will make conversations with dad.


Anonymous said...

Hope that means a promotion is in the works!

Glad to hear you're feeling better.

Sushi Junkie said...

manager? cool :D thx 4 posting what ur boss said.. i'll give that a thought too.. though i'm still far far away from being manager :D

i'm glad ur blues are gone along with ur cold :D i'm still coughing every few minutes :D

hope u feel even better tomorrowww :)

La Cremiere said...

I don't think the 'manager' promotion is due anytime soon, but I am just glad that he believes I have the potential to be a manager one day, maybe in the next 2 or 3 years. I'd like that, I never looked that far ahead in the future. It motivates me to improve myself and it gives me a constructive short-term target.

Sushi Junkie said...

yea.. it's nice when ur boss has that confidence in you :) i think i'll start working on some constructive short-term improvement targets too :D who knows.. maybe someday i'll be a manager too :D

by Danie said...

ah ah parce que pour Ron un manager doit avoir l'air de faire la gueule tout le temps??
et bien tant pis pour lui, tu restes toi même,c'est la que tu seras la meilleure, et d'ailleurs tu l'es deja, et aussi la plus belle, et c'est un bon point pour une future Manager!
Et puis c'est plus gai de rire et d'etre heureuse.