Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Not going after all... :(

My leave for South Africa was not approved. :(
Ron said it is too soon after my holiday in Malaysia and this period of the year is too busy and it causes too much inconvenience and disrupts the business. My lovely colleagues from SA just say it's a shame and that I must arrange another trip another time, but it won't be the same, because I was going to Nadine's wedding and Nades isn't getting married any other time...

I even bought a travel guide and a lovely dress for Nades' big day... I know it was premature, but I don't have much time, after I come back from Malaysia, I travel to Germany, then it's my birthday and it would have been the 17th of March already, so since I had spotted a great dress I got it. Beth was fun, on my disappointment, she said that I'd have loads of opportunities to wear the dress, Windsor race, Glorious Goodwood and I could possibly wear it at the next Christmas party, and Alex added that Dan and Julie ought to get married soon, so I can wear it then. But it's not about the dress, it's about missing Nadine and Jaco's wedding in Durban!!!

I just realised something, learnt a good lesson: even when you have time and money, you still can't get what you want!!! Who would have guessed?


tweetey30 said...

I still say no fair. You already live in another country and then you get to go to others to work. LOL.. POUTING!!!!!!!! MY lip is stuck out and pouting on this........ Thankfully my girls arent watching me right now. LOL.. Well its a beautiful dress anyway. Enjoy it the best you can when you can.

S.M. Elliott said...

Ugh, what a bummer! :(
A gorgeous dress, though!

by Danie said...

Ne regrette rien, c'est peut etre pas plus mal comme ca, c'est vrai, c'est pas juste quelquefois la vie, tu peux te permettre d'aller a ce mariage, mais tu n'as pas assez de vacances, quel dommage.

Jeannie said...

That is too bad. Nice dress too. But taking the trip later also means you get to spend more time with your friend when you are there right? Ask her to have it videotaped if possible so you can see how beautiful the day and she was.

Rockstar Mom said...

Oh my. I am so sorry. But that dress is stunning.