Monday, December 04, 2006

The Office Secret Santa

We do a Christmas Santa in the office, and I picked Martin!!! Out of all the people in the office I pick the one person I am closest to. I thought I'd have to look extra hard for his present, something funny, but not useless. Well it took me about five seconds to find it. I walked into the bookstore and on display was Stephen Clarke's 10 commandments to Talk to the Snail. This should provide hours of entertainment on our road trip to visit customers. I'll take a picture of Martin when he opens the pressie and post it. Surely he will know it came from me, but it's absolutely perfect.
Alex is reading it, he wants the same present for Christmas, I guess I can wrap up another little one for my hubby.


by Danie said...

Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh finalement tu as pris le temps de mettre ton blog à jour.
C'est quand j'ai découvert tes commentaires sur le mien que je me suis dit que tu avais peut etre ecrit un petit quelque chose sur le tien.
Ton tas de paquets cadeaux est superbe, ça donne envie de les ouvrir! lol
et si Alex le veut bien, il amène le livre avec lui, je suis curieuse de savoir comment on doit nous parler, à nous, les cagouilles.

none said...

Hope you have a great Christmas!